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The Emeriti Solution

A retirement healthcare plan that complements any retirement plan and builds savings later.

An Emeriti Retirement Healthcare Savings Plan provides peace of mind in retirement.

The plan allows employers to set aside retirement health savings for their employees to cover expenses like deductibles, copays and premiums. These contributions are tax-free, so in the long run, even more money is saved. In fact, the plan offers triple tax-free savings:

  • Tax-free contributions
  • Tax-free investment earnings
  • Tax-free reimbursement for qualified
    medical expenses during retirement

It’s the perfect way to complement a retirement plan while accumulating savings now and later.

The plan features:

  • Easy online access to account and investment information
  • Dedicated, toll-free customer service
  • Online claims management
  • Convenient benefits card
  • Reimbursements for participants, spouses, domestic partners and other eligible dependents
  • Group retiree health insurance underwritten by Aetna

And the funds accumulated can be used for:

  • Copays
  • Deductibles
  • Prescription drugs
  • Health insurance premiums

Flexible. Tax-free. Convenient. Simple.

An Emeriti Retirement Healthcare Savings Plan is the perfect way to take control of healthcare costs and secure a financial future.

Want a better understanding of Medicare in 2025? Use this helpful brochure for an overview of the different parts and coverage!
Medicare Overview

Most retirees don’t realize…

The average couple, age 65, currently needs more than


to cover healthcare costs in retirement

Medicare only covers about

90% of total healthcare
costs in retirement**

Here’s why an Emeriti Retirement Healthcare Savings Plan is the right choice. 

An Emeriti Retirement Healthcare Savings Plan has distinct advantages over other healthcare reimbursement options. It offers a smart, flexible and easy solution that compares favorably to other healthcare accounts…

  • It doesn’t have a “use it or lose it” requirement, like a Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
  • It doesn’t require HDHP coverage selection, like a Health Savings Account (HSA)

Plus… it offers employees and employers a variety of benefits designed to make life easier!

  • Enable employees to plan for a more secure and timely retirement
  • Help attract and retain qualified employees in a competitive job market
  • Include retiree health benefits for targeted key and executive positions
  • Address financial risks with defined benefit retiree health promises
  • Optimize the total value of employer retirement benefits
  • Strengthen fiscal control over overall benefit commitments



*Source: EBRI Notes, January 2017, Vol. 38, No. 1. National average. Savings needed for Medigap Plan F premiums, Medicare Part B premiums and out-of-pocket (median) drug expenses.
  Does not include long-term care.
**National Institute on Aging, Newsroom, Dramatic changes in U.S. highlighted in new census, NIH report, June 26, 2013.

An Emeriti Retirement Healthcare Savings Plan is a total benefits solution.

Here’s how it works…

Employer-funded savings

Employees are enrolled in the Emeriti Retirement Healthcare Savings Plan as part of their benefits package. Employer contributions are invested, so money can grow over time.

Triple tax-free savings

When they retire, employees can use their Emeriti funds to cover eligible healthcare expenses. They can even use their funds to pay for Medicare premiums, which can save them thousands of dollars each year.

Retire with confidence

Retired employees may choose to purchase retiree health insurance underwritten by Aetna if they satisfy the criteria for retirement eligibility under the plan.

A win for you!

Control costs. Maximize benefit value. Drive workforce management.
You get it all with an Emeriti Retirement Healthcare Savings Plan. 

Learn about our insurance options.

Join the thousands of Retirement Healthcare Savings Plan (RHSP) retirees who have chosen employer-sponsored, comprehensive group coverage through Emeriti.